Coral Reef Fish Notes

Coral Reef Fish

Different Fish on the Reef.
Photo by 
Katja Hasselkus [public domain]
-      Colors, patterns, and morphology (shape) 
o  Morphology
§ Disks and ovals
§ Silvery
§ Sloping head/tapered body
§ Heavy body/large lips
§ Reddish/big eyes
§ Eels
§ Sharks and rays – cartilaginous fish, rest mostly boney fish 
§ Odd-shaped bottom dwellers 
§ Odd-shaped swimmers 
§ Swim with pectoral fins/ obvious scales
§ Small, elongated bottom dwellers 
Image result for fish anatomy
Diagram of a fishes anatomy.
By Diagram by User:Gdr based on a
drawing by Dr Tony Ayling.
CC BY-SA 3.0
o  Fish anatomy:       
§ Dorsal fin
§ Fin spines
§ Caudal fin (tail fin) 
§ Anal fin
§ Ventral fin
§ Pectoral fin 
o  Patterns: 
§ Line marking radiating from eye
§ Bar (vertical line) 
§ Ocellated spot
§ Stripe (horizontal line)
§ Spot
§ Speckles (fine spots)
§ Band (diagonal lines)
§ Blotch poorly define)
§ Lines (thin markings in any direction) 
o  Specialized cells for color and iridescence:
Chromatophores of a squid. By Minette [CC BY 2.0]
§ Chromatophores: COLOR
·     cells that contain pigments 
·     stimulated by nerve impulses and or hormones·     higher density of cells -> more brilliant color 
§ iridophores:
·     cells with crystals that reflect light 
·     GAUNINE nucleotide 
·     Act like a mirror
·     Typical of silvery fishes
·     Can display different shades of green, blue, pink, and iridescence 
§ Loligo opalescens: (squid) chromatophore where the pigments are spread out, can be stimulated to condensed and can control
§ Hog fish: changes colors, the changes that occur are sometimes so fast that they cannot be tied to a physiological phenomenon. Their skin is actually light sensitive.
§ Color can tell you what stage of life the fish is in or distinguish male from females 
o  Camouflage: for predators and prey 
§ Some fish use camouflage as a foraging strategy: sit and wait hunting
§ Some use it to blend into their surroundings to not get eaten
o  Courtship, mating, egg guarding:
§ Some female fish may be attracted to male fish that change colors
§ Sergeant majors take on darker color when nest guarding
§ Clown wrasses turn bright when spawning 
o  Counter-shading: (ie sharks)
§ Some species use counter-shading to conceal movements
§ Dark on top
§ Light on bottom 
o  Other functions of color and patterning:
§ Conceal eye (false eye on body)
§ Exaggerated size
§ Advertise toxicity
§ Bright colors and behavior 
-      32,000 different species of fish – 40-45% freshwater species 
